Part 25: Tuesday's Disquiet (Intro)
Tuesday's Disquiet (Intro)
[Music: Exploration]

...Okay, fine, this is the "wrong" answer but it's worth it so who cares.

Makoto hesitates...

[Music: Connected Hearts]

Makoto leaves the room...

The compendium is a wonderful addition that wasn't in the original Devil Survivor (it was thankfully added to the Overclocked remake at least). With this in hand, there's not much point to using the Auction any more. The only real exceptions are if we need something cheap or a skill we don't have normally.
The compendium also does something nice and gives us a minor explanation about the real mythology behind any demon registered in it. Nothing in-depth but a good entry point to help out if you know absolutely nothing about it.

And with that, we're bringing this opening to a close. Now, there are 4 events here and we have enough time to do 2. We can push it to 3 at a stretch, but like always there's a catch.
The fourth event opens up after we do one of these. It also gives us a neat reward... but therein lies the problem. If we do either Io's or Joe's event (or even both), then that fourth event changes slightly, and we miss the reward until a second playthrough. I'm fine with either, but as always:
The decision is yours to make.